February 22, 2017
Web Development/Analysis
LTC International

Manage complete Sales pipeline with this perfect CRM

01. The Challenge & Solution

The biggest challenges that sales people of organization face are 1) how to qualify and follow up on leads and 2) how to prioritize sales activities. 3) How to manage daily tasks and mailers to leads.

Sales People need strong CRM system which can overcome there challenges. We build customize sales CRM for them which can be easily modify according to there needs. We deploy CRM that helps in providing better service to the customers and developing effective customer relation­ships. CRM integrates everything that a company’s sales, services and marketing teams know about the individual customers to get a 360-degree view of the customer relationship.

The aim of CRM is to build customer equity; customer equity is the sum of lifetime values of all the customers. CRM analysts develop data warehouses and use data-mining techniques to develop and maintain long-lasting relation­ships with the valuable customers.

“You don’t close a sale, you open a relationship if you want to build a long-term, successful enterprise”
– Patricia Fripp

02. Features of CRM

1. Better service to customers:
CRM provides more avenues for customers to communicate and explain their needs to the organization through numerous contact points. Customers get increased satisfaction and a feeling of being special and important because of the increased personalization of services and customization of goods offered to them

2. Customization of market offerings:
Companies can customize a product or service depending on the data available with the firm. The firm can facilitate customer-company interaction through the company contact centre and web site. Such interactions help develop customized products.

3. Reduction in the customer defection rate:
CRM emphasizes on training and development of the employees to become more customer oriented. Due to CRM training and development, employees show care and concern towards the valuable customers; therefore, the customer defection rate may be reduced to a great extent.

4. Increase and improvement in long-term relationships:
Some firms treat their customers as partners. Firms solicit the help of the customers to design new products or to improve their ser­vices. If the customer gets involved with the firm, they are more likely to remain with the firm.

5. Increase in customer equity:
CRM increases customer equity. Firms focus the marketing efforts more on the most valuable customers (MVCs). The main aim of CRM is to produce high customer equity. Customer equity is the sum of lifetime values of all customers. More focus on MVCs will enable a firm to increase the customer equity.

6. Competitive advantage:
The firms that adopt CRM get competitive advantage in the market. They can face the competition with much ease. Competitive advantage helps in generating higher returns on investment.

7. Building and maintaining corporate image:
The image of the firm also gets enhanced. Loyal customers become evangelists. The evangelists spread a good word about the company and its products. This enables a firm to get additional customers to its fold.

8. Higher return on investment:
Due to CRM, a company gains a position to generate higher returns on investment. This is because of the repeat purchases on the part of the loyal customers. The company also makes money through cross selling. The higher return on investment increases the shareholders’ value.

Main Features of CRM:
Lead management, 360 degree customer view,Manager Lead activity at one place, Manage customer communication, One Click Invoice Creation,Create Estimates,Manage Contracts,Create Good Looking Proposals, Goal tracking, Record expenses, Record payments, Awesome support system

03. Perfect Result

In a nutshell, sales people and CRM is not an immediate “match made in heaven”, but the more time these two spend together – the stronger the attraction between them becomes.

CRM is going to boost the performance of any sales team, and will help sales people to excel in 4 areas that are critical for them:

– better search, sort and qualify leads;
– follow up on sales opportunities systematically and on time
– prioritize and rationalize follow up activities; and
– increase target reach rates faster.

The improvements that CRM brings, however, don’t come without effort, understanding and determination from the sales people’s side. Sales reps have to unanimously understand that updating CRM is central to their success.

Also, sales teams need to synchronize their activities and base them on best practices. This will enable a better sharing of information and will secure more effective work with CRM.