May 14, 2016
Web Development/Mobile app
PriveTable Hotels

Hotel Booking web and mobile app

The Challenge & Solution

There was a need to create a strong backup for the smooth functioning of the process of getting a reservation request, forwarding it to the hotel, providing more options to clients and handling the payment in the end. The challenge was to set up a strong customer and back office support to handle the large number of PriveTable online hotel reservations requests coming in everyday.

– Absence of real-time integration with external systems
– Pulling out reports for each property was very time consuming and cumbersome.
– Absence of centralized monitoring or single point reporting
– No real-time reports and instant monitoring causing delayed decision making.

We proposed an effective hotel booking system which will help all users of hotels to book hotels online. For backend employee of hotel chain we gave dashboard which will give them overall idea about bookings and properties. Front user can book hotels effectively from online payments. They can view all hotel property details online.

02. Working Process

We follow our agile process to deploy this app. This development methodology ensures all aspects of the program are managed leveraging specialized
tools, technologies and implementation enablers. Leometric work closely with client to ensure the key
business drivers and requirements are addressed during the program.
• Strategy – To defines the overall business direction and objectives of the program
• Architecture – Proposed architecture to be robust to meet all quality attributes of an application
• Requirements – Business, reporting, communication and other
• People – People to provide the support and information as required in the program
• Processes – Business processes that need to be implemented in the system
• Initiatives – Initiative and support for the change.
• Programs – Programs are defined and signed-off.

03. Perfect Result

We created a complete backend dashboard and Android apps to help our client achieve their requirement. Privetable now able to take booking and manage there marketplace easily. They can also onboard other properties to there platform.
We developed these application with latest technology by following all healthcare related security compliances.
Benefits to the client.
– Simple and intuitive user
– interface attract user of all age group.
– Seamless user experience.
– Connect Partner and Users effectively
– Analysis of business earn
