Nowadays pollution and fuel issues are growing day by day. Apart from that corporate employees are not getting time to gym or park to do some exercise. Hence new trends are coming in market for daily commuting and e-bike is one of them. There are various market players coming with cost efficient bikes. Though these are cost effective, still large chunk of our population cannot afford. So here is the better solution i.e. rental solution.
These bikes are basically hybrid bikes. While you peddle then your battery gets charged. While traveling, whenever you require, you can use the charged battery to run the bike. Hence, it’s a one time investment.
There are few companies, those are willing to bring these bikes in the market on the rental basis. But there are a couple of issues to make it avail in the market.
Hence our team did some analysis to provide the best solution for such problems and came with end to end solution.
We have designed the concept for complete management from your renter to rentee.
We provide
- Renter complete solution – On web
- Manage HUB
A physical location from where customers can avail the bike and pay the deposit amount. These physical locations will be equipped with all tool for servicing and maintenance.
On the solution side, there will be a on boarding process for HUB’s. For HUB’s franchisee module will be implemented. The user will create a HUB, inside HUB he will create HUB manager’s profile and allocate him desired/ requested no. Of bikes.
- II. Bike inventory Manager
Bikes and all required spare parts(e.g. Battery, paddle, GPS tracker etc.) will be managed from here.
III. Administrative Dashboard
On Dashboard Admin can see KPIs for Daily revenue, bike count for available bikes for rent. Minimum Per bike daily revenue etc.
IV. HUB and customer support and inquiry module
1. Reports Generator
2. HUB manager Module – On Web
3. Customer Manager
– Along with customer and bike tracking
– Bike use hours counter
– Bill Generator
- Bike Manager
- Activate/ deactivate Bike
II. Add new bike
III. Bike return
IV. HUB Manager’s Dashboard
– KPIs for daily per bike commission
– KPIs for total bike VS on rent bikes
- Reports for HUB manager
- Customer Module – Android IOS
– Search Near by HUB
– Pick bike
– Billing Module
– Payment Gateways for bill payment
– Reports
– Emergency button for ambulance/ Police
- Hardware integration for GPS tracking and battery level indications